Mindfulness Mastermind for Changing the World

Led by Unified Mindfulness L2 Coach and the go-to business and marketing expert for personal development, wellness and social impact brands, this distinct group coaching program innovatively combines entrepreneurship and mindfulness to help you 10x your life and impact. This group coaching experience is geared to help you skillfully navigate today’s societal and global landscape, both as an individual and a leader. Elevate your entire life and unlock your authentic signature, while making your impact. Conceptional meets practical and experiential.


As a Mindfulness and Mindset Coach,
I help people step into heart-centered, equanimous, courageous leadership. I create the container for their personal development so that they can make their ultimate social impact from the foundation of a nurtured Whole Self.

My method: mindfulness meditation, psycho-spiritual strategies, mindset coaching and entrepreneurship strategies.

Your next level awaits you.
Our collective evolution depends on it.


Meet Your Coach


  • Founder of The Mindful Nest

  • Mindfulness, Mindset and Business Coach for the best in Wellness, Personal Development and Social Impact.

  • 15+ years of mindfulness meditation experience

  • Editor-In-Chief of PersonalBrand.com

  • Co-Founder of Recovery Dharma, a Buddhist path to healing the suffering of addiction.

  • MA, Critical Studies - USC School of Cinematic Arts

  • Pathways Graduate - Unified Mindfulness Level 2 Training

  • Mettagroup - The Meaningful Life Level 1 Graduate (Attachment Repair using Mindfulness Meditation)

  • Former Managing Director, Brendon Burchard (#1 NYT Bestselling author and world’s leading High Performance Coach)

  • Former Creative Director, Jim Kwik (#1 NYT Bestselling Author and Celebrity Memory Coach)

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Hi! I’m Jess Lipman, and I’m so happy you’re here.

Here’s some stuff about me!

I’m a Unified Mindfulness L2 Coach, and I live to help people fall in love with mindfulness (and, in turn, fall in love with their LIFE).

I am a mindfulness coach, business coach and marketing consultant for creative, trailblazing, purpose-driven individuals and brands. I am founder of The Mindful Nest, Editor-in-Chief of PersonalBrand.com, and co-founder of Recovery Dharma.

With over 15 years of mindfulness practice and deep knowledge across multiple psycho-spiritual frameworks, I help people fall in love with mindfulness (and learn how to integrate the practice into their daily lives on a personal AND interpersonal level for the biggest impact). I hold a Masters degree in Critical Studies from USC School of Cinematic Arts, and now apply critical analysis, deconstruction and theory to the human inner system + consciousness.

I offer a unique fusion in my approach to the intersection of mindfulness and business, with thousands of hours of meditation under my belt, and experience leading business and marketing efforts in major personal development and wellness brands with the mentorship of some of the best in personal development and online marketing.  I know mindfulness very well, and I know the practicality of how your attention and emotional regulation skills directly impact your role in business and throughout your career. That’s why I am perfectly positioned to support individuals, leaders and organizations in learning the attentional skills that matter most, while guiding them on a holistic journey of optimizing all areas of their lives.

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My Antidote to Addiction.

Struggling with addiction and the pressures of grad school, mindfulness meditation became my go-to potent tool and refuge, empowering me to develop an adaptive relationship with discomfort and finally lean into my life (instead of continue running away from pain and ultimately running away from myself). Not only that, but mindfulness helped me shed unhealthy habits and develop new, supportive habits to live an aligned, authentic life.

Mindfulness Saved My Life.

Today, I live a spiritual, fulfilling life. I very clearly know my True Self, and nurture and cultivate her DAILY. I have beautiful, aligned, and meaningful relationships and support systems. I chase my dreams with a fiery, loving sense of courage and devotion. I have access to new levels of innovation and ideation that breathe life into my creative work, my passions, and that support my clients.

Mindfulness Optimizes My Leadership + Legacy.
I’ve served as Managing Director for Brendon Burchard’s company High Performance Institute. I’ve served in other leadership roles in the personal development industry for countless brands and thought leaders doing big things in the world. I’ve led creative departments. I lead LIVE video workshops for hundreds to thousands of attendees. How do I do all that (with grace, equanimity, presence and heart)? Mindfulness. This skill set infuses my professional endeavors with a level of resilience, clarity, awareness, and capacity to take aligned action to support others and advocate for myself. I’ve experienced first-hand how mindfulness bolsters my role in the world and allows me to show up as my highest self (while inviting others to do the same!) I integrate my personal experiences with science-backed framework into my coaching approach to support clients in achieving their goals.

My Mission is to Help you Tap into the Power of Mindfulness.

I believe that the attentional skills that we cultivate by practicing mindfulness can shift our entire life - from our relationships, to our career, passions, our sense of SELF, our purpose on this planet, our health, and so much more. It’s changed my life, it’s given me a life worth living, and continues to introduce me to even more magic every single day. My hope is to share this tool with you, too, to support you in deepening your experience and depth in this life and supporting your relationships and fellow humans in profound and impactful ways.

It’d be an honor to share this system with you, and support you in jumpstarting a kickass mindfulness practice to help you realize your full potential.

The truth is, you’re already doing big things in the world.

You’re a badass.

Coaching can help you continue rising in your life and career. We must continue addressing the layers of self that emerge throughout our lives (and the challenges that show up especially when we approach our growth edge)! We get to welcome transformation in when it calls to us. Our next level requires this compassion embrace, and this consistent, enduring self-development.


Leading people and working in dynamic teams calls for elevated skills.

  • Maybe you’re leading a team of 5 to 20 people (or you’re working within that team).

  • Do you find that you’re in need of skills to demonstrate more compassion, empathy, heart while tending to business matters and while collaborating toward shared goals?

  • Do you find that you’re triggered by certain situations or people, and no matter what intention you set, you can’t seem to figure out how to RESPOND skillfully in those moments?

  • Or, you get emotionally tied up in those encounters, pulling you out of your highest service or the work you need to get done? You want to stay ‘productive’, but that means you need to know how to process emotional triggers in the moments when they arise.

That’s where mindfulness + mindset skills comes in. In 1:1 coaching, I share with you how to integrate specific attentional techniques and mindfulness philosophies into the ways in which you approach interpersonal challenge and emotional activation.

This can be THE game-changer for your leadership, management, team and collaboration skills. And, ultimately, this impacts your legacy: the impact you make, the work you get done, the connections you share with others, and the meaningful creations born out of your collaborations.

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Taking business and personal risks is vital, but you need a RESILIENT nervous system to do so.

  • Do you want to take the leap this year and launch that passion project that’s been calling you in for YEARS?

  • What brings your soul alive (that you’ve been avoiding or minimizing)?

  • Are you ready to unlock a part of yourself that’s been laying dormant, but not exactly sure how to?

  • What’s that next big venture that’s calling out to you?

  • What’s holding you back from feeling aligned in your relationships, passions, career and spiritual journey?

  • Ready to dive into life - your relationships, passions, new ventures - but don’t have the resilience and equanimity to do it well?

In 1:1 coaching, I create the space for you to identify YOUR growth edge (and the mindfulness skills to approach it). There are key elements of mindfulness philosophy (like impermanence, nonattachment, equanimity, concentration, clarity, effective proximity, heart expansion, and more) that I fuse with mindfulness meditation techniques (for you to use in your daily life) that ultimately set the stage and foundation for you to truly develop a resilient nervous system so that you can lean fully into your life and core desires (with minimum friction and suffering). You DESERVE this. I’ll help you unlock it.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an awareness and practice. The practice is comprised of techniques that anchor your attention in the present moment (which you can perform while sitting with your eyes closed or even while you’re going about the activities of your day). In practicing, you are cultivating concentration, clarity and equanimity. By practicing, you stand to elevate your entire life while being of significant service to your family, friends, community, organization, audience and the world.

Can you relate to any of these experiences?



You do awesome work in the world, and maybe you’re even leading up teams and big efforts to support brands and impact. Even so, do you ever feel like your emotions carry you away? Like you have no control over your actions once anger shows its face? Or that one moment you’re sad, and then next you’re enraged, and then you’re dancing around the house? (And you don’t know how to work with it or what to make of it?)



And, in order to slow the thinking or get away from yourself, you do things like: have a glass of wine, binge Netflix, scroll through your Instagram feed, embrace workaholism (I’m just your normal Type A!), chase adrenaline, drama bond with your coworkers, or [insert maladaptive coping mechanism here]. You find yourself taking refuge in some solutions outside of yourself (that are short-term and maybe on the lower vibration side of things…)


Are you triggered by certain situations or people in life, and no matter what intention you set, you can’t seem to figure out how to RESPOND skillfully in those moments? You react, say some things that you maybe regret, and now you’re in a shame spiral and chasing apologies… rinse and repeat.



You know that mindfulness is the answer! And you listen to guided meditations sometimes when you can squeeze it into your schedule. But you find that you’re still feeling anxious regularly, you still feel caught in thinking. Maybe you find that your practice feels really distracted or aimless, like you’re doing something, but you have no idea what skills it’s cultivating inside of you, or when to expect results from your practice. You’re missing context and a framework!


Do you live predominantly in your head? Thinking runs the show, the moment you wake up, to the moment your eyes shut at night. Compulsive thoughts. Ruminating about a work project. Maybe you wake UP working (in your head) in the morning! It’s exhausting.



Your ideas and innovation are low in quality, but your work and your creative life call for stronger muscles in that area! Maybe you’re a creativepreneur (like me!) and need to provide strong strategy to others (so if creative juice turns off, you’re screwed!) Or maybe you feel called to come up with new ideas that will help business pivot at this time and meet the needs of our current culture and marketplace. Perhaps you are thinking, but it’s more on the side of worried thoughts, and rumination on the past or future. It’s not the kind of thoughts that lead to that next big idea (but you crave that so much!)


Clients report these results

  • Decrease anxiety (and learn how to process challenging emotions and pain)

  • Manage stress (information overload, the enormity of your position at work, your multifaceted role at home!)

  • Leverage the uncertainties and the unknown factors in life to SCALE and ELEVATE (instead of letting them drive you into the ground with fear, anxiety, dread)

  • Uncover your authentic self (your desires, core passions and purpose)

  • UNLOCK and increase innovation and ideation that flows from your mind.

  • Increase concentration (so that you can access the FLOW state and get the most out of every moment, whether you’re on a walk in nature or on a work deadline!)

  • Cultivate an open hearted, compassionate, kind and patient attitude (so that you can be in acceptance of the people around you without the urge to change or fix them)

  • Develop adaptive, empowered inner dialogue (self-talk) and learn how to stop beating yourself up.

why is NOW the perfect time for mindfulness coaching?


The pandemic has disrupted our lives. But it doesn’t mean we can’t continue to THRIVE.

The pandemic has presented us with challenges that are inherent to our human experience (and have always been). It’s just being experienced on a MASS, global scale (so it feels more disruptive and amplified). I guarantee you, though, that you experience smaller scale suffering all the time. Loss. Death. Relationships ending. Job loss. Life chapters closing, and new ones opening.

Life is beautiful, and it has this simultaneous sting.

This isn’t bad. It’s just life. But it does require that we show up for our relationships, passions, relationship with self, career, mental health, physiology, spiritual connection with robust tools to be intentional in our lives and to recycle the reactions that inevitably arise in the face of life being in session. It’s from that proactive and prepared place that we get to THRIVE in this life and continue to build momentum toward our legacy and what matters most to us.

my coaching philosophy

Mindfulness makes it possible for us to appreciate the fullness and depth of life, and be there for it all. The joys, the sorrows, and the neutral moments in between. It allows us to be in acceptance of the nature of human existence, not in denial of it.

I’m not interested in necessarily showing you how to GET RID of anything. “Get rid of my anxiety. Get rid of my frustration. Get rid of that stinging pain.” That’s not really the promise of mindfulness. You see, I’m more interested in showing you how to you pay attention to things in a transformative way. Not to get rid of it. But to actually lean into it, build a relationship with it, and process it completely. Sure, you might want to get rid of anxiety, but perhaps the goal we’re all unknowingly after is to transmute and transform anxiety. Rather than throwing something away and rejecting it, mindfulness teaches how to lean in, how to pour concentration, clarity and equanimity into the discomfort. The transformation can be perceived like this: anxiety transform to relaxation, or anxiety can be perceived as vibratory flow (just like joy or fatigue!)

But to get to that flavor of freedom, we must take interest in where we’re looking, and how you’re looking at it. This takes consistent practice and training.


My Dualistic Coaching Approach to Support Social Impact


Personal Development

As your coach, I create the container for you to harness mindfulness and your mindset to live a life of true contentment, which is marked by happiness beyond conditions. When I talk about liberation, that’s what I mean. Through powerful questions, strategies, mindfulness meditation, perspective shifts and reflective exercises, you have the potential to unlock your authentic calling and a truly aligned way of being in the world. Uncover your unique signature and live into it, fully, each and every day.


Interpersonal Development

As your coach, I help you leverage your highest self for the collective good. I’ll help you leverage mindfulness, mindset and attachment repair strategies to heal, deepen and impact your relationships and community. This framework truly fosters personal and interpersonal growth, empowering you to make a meaningful mark on the people around you, in your greater community, and out in the world. Remember: we personally develop, so that we can show up for the biggest challenges and opportunities in our collective container.

Ultimately, I see mindfulness and my coaching approach as a vital tool-kit for fusing personal development and social impact. I believe strongly in the potential for us to raise our consciousness and resilience as a means to create micro and macro change in our collective humanity.


The secret sauce of mindfulness can be distilled into these 3 attentional skills. I integrate this foundation into my coaching approach.

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  • Concentration power is a basic attentional skill that’s needed to be present-centered. It allows you to tap into what many people refer to as FLOW STATE, a zoned in focus on the task at hand. If you really want to connect with anything you’re doing in the moment (performing work in time blocks to optimize your efficiency, all the way to fully engaging in that yoga class), you’ll need to refine your concentration power.

  • It refers to your ability to hold your attention on an object of focus. The two main flavors of concentration are ‘durative’ and ‘momentary’ (and both types are significant). Durative refers to holding your attention in a restricted domain for an extended period (like focusing on the breath, for example). There’s also momentary concentration, which is marked by briefly but intently focusing on each sensory event as it comes up. Your attention might float broadly within a vast range of sensory experience, and you momentarily experience a moment of high concentration with each thing as it arises.

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  • Sensory clarity is also a basic attentional skill that’s needed in order to be present-centered. Developing clarity is so important because it allows you to discern where pain is located in your body. It can allow you to know if you’re having an anxiety attack, or a heart attack. It gives you the power to discern the next right move to take in life (should I take that job offer? What’s the skillful thing to say to my coworker in this moment? What’s your true calling, and am I willing to pursue that?)

  • This skill is marked by your ability to know the difference between the 3 core sensory categories: See (sight and mental image, i.e. visualizations; Hear (sound and mental talk, i.e. thinking); and Feel (body sensation and emotional body sensation). Awareness of the senses and building an adaptive, healthy relationship with sensation are key on the path of cultivating self-actualization and refinement of your ability to orient with the world around you.

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  • This is a by-product and skill of a mindfulness practice. I personally think that this piece is the MOST powerful. Equanimity is a steadiness, an ability to hold steady and be fully in a situation without pushing it away or wanting MORE of it (regardless of its quality). For example, if you’re laying off an employee, equanimity allows you to be fully present in this challenging meeting, allowing you to be with whatever response they may have to the news, to hold that response with compassion and full attention, and to respond skillfully with boundaries and kindness. That’s possible with high levels of equanimity.

  • Equanimity is a flavor of the way you orient toward experience, marked by an ability to hold the sensory experiences with non-judgment, compassion, full acceptance as well as awareness. With increased equanimity, there’s a decrease in craving (wanting more) and aversion (turning away). Equanimity is like a strong ship at sea: you’re the steady ship at sea, amidst the sunny, calm days, as well as the amidst the hurricane winds and choppy sea. You stay afloat regardless of the weather conditions.

My Coaching Specialties


Mindfulness Meditation

I share with you how to develop an effective formal practice as well as daily practice to cultivate concentration, clarity and equanimity. Not only that, but I introduce to you the mindfulness philosophy and techniques to support you in addressing your challenges and goals.


Habit + Pattern Development / Disruption

I support clients in becoming aware of their active habits and patterns. From there, I help them uncover why those habits and patterns are in place, as well as the mindfulness and mindset strategy set to best undo or transform those habits and patterns into aligned ways of being in the world.

Interpersonal Development

Enhancing and supporting your relationships is vital to your happiness and legacy! Across romantic, platonic, familial and professional relationships, I’ll support you in integrating the mindfulness strategies and the attachment theory so that you can enjoy meaningful, aligned, deep and secure relationships. Not only that, but I’ll create the container for you to strategize on your deepest impact on our world’s most pressing issues and causes, and gain momentum toward social impact in areas that call out to you most.


Sober Living and Addiction Recovery

If you are living a life in addiction recovery or are interested in pursuing sober living, I will provide you with the accountability, reflective questions and frameworks to support new habit development and shedding the old habits and behaviors, in support of your new lifestyle. I bring to you over 6 years of experience in addiction recovery, with experience using multiple psycho-spiritual frameworks to support successful recovery and abstinence.

Attachment Repair

Attachment theory is a psychological framework that makes sense of the ways in which you orient toward yourself and to the world (and others). Your attachment strategies as an adult are determined by the way your caregiver oriented toward you in adolescence. Attachment is adaptive and malleable. I support clients in coming to understand the tenets of secure and non-secure attachment styles, and the psycho-spiritual approach to repairing your attachment strategies to ultimately be secure in relationships.


Mindset + Positive Psychology

Having worked for the world’s leading High Performance Coach for over 3 years, I bring to you the game-changing positive psychology and mindset strategies and curriculum that are used to support leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes, creatives and more. As part of my coaching consulting, I offer you new perspectives, strategies, questions, journaling prompts and exercises to disrupt thought patterns and help you adapt, thrive and grow.



Curious about what’s possible?
Want to see if mindfulness coaching is right for you?

Book a complimentary discovery call with Jess Lipman.

How it Works:

  • To be considered for this coaching experience, the first step is to book a discovery call, where we can see if there’s mutual alignment.

  • If there is mutual alignment, you’re then welcome to a complimentary 45 minute Mindfulness Coaching Session (to see what it’s like).

Serious inquiries only.


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“Jess makes me feel powerful, calm, and loved and inspires me to shine. These days, I’m making choices based on new revelations brought up during our coaching sessions and reflection, instead of fear.”

— Hannah H., Creative Agency Manager,
Minneapolis, MN


“Before working with Jess, I didn’t believe that I could have the life I so badly wanted. I was so accustomed to hiding my authentic self from the world and honestly...myself. Despite being professionally successful, I had no sense of direction or motivation because I was making choices in my life based on what I believed others thought was best for me. I would frequently wake up in the night with a feeling of anxiety. I had a million things to do, yet none of them really excited me. I never wanted to admit that I wasn’t happy. Deep down, something told me there was something more I needed to do with my life…more meaning, more purpose. And I didn’t even know where to begin to uncover this.

That’s when I called Jess!

Since working with Jess, I stepped into a major role in building a company (something I never thought was possible) that now provides great work/life balance and true excitement. I’m more present in my relationships, and I beat myself up a lot less. I’m more willing to be an honest, authentic version of myself without obsessing about what people are going to think. Jess makes me feel powerful, calm, and loved and inspires me to shine. These days, I’m making choices based on new revelations brought up during our coaching sessions and reflection, instead of fear. I am more confident in who I am than I have ever been and have been using my voice and shining my light in the world. 

Instead of feeling like a victim of circumstance, I finally feel like the creator of my own life and it’s all thanks to the bright and brilliant soul that is Jess Lipman! If you ever get the chance to work with her - I HIGHLY recommend that you do!”

— Hannah H., Creative Agency Manager, Minneapolis, MN

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“Jessica helped me successfully navigate two job transitions with great results.

I was at an impasse with a long time employer due to compensation and culture. I needed help to pull the trigger and make some changes.

I am not typically a “self-help” enthusiast, but Jess’s method is grounded and logical, and ultimately fit my needs perfectly. She helped me realize my value and convinced me to take the risk with another employer. While, the new employer turned out not to be a good fit, she helped me identify it as the learning experience that it was and try again.

She coached me through the tough conversations I would face and gave me the tools to believe in myself and negotiate for what I needed. She showed me that it’s all about focusing on what you can offer while staying true to your own needs. She was a great advocate.

My next move resulted in a 30% more compensation, increased responsibility, upward mobility, and even company-paid grad school. I am very grateful for her coaching!”

— Joseph A., Environmental Division Manager
Philadelphia, PA

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“Jess’ impact on my life has been immense.

Before I met her, I was caught up in co-dependency, living in cyclical patterns and denying my own truth. Jess helped me to see all of this with deep compassion and patience. She held my hand as I struggled to break free of my patterning, and believed in and celebrated with me at every new step into freedom.” 

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“I have a lot of respect for Jess’ knowledge and guidance.

She approaches situations with kindness and wisdom and really makes you feel like she’s on your team. If you need a compassionate guide to transition you into a better, more aligned life - she’s the one you want.”

— Jessica M., Co-Founder and Vice President, Oneness Tribe Portland, OR


the details

Six-Month Private Coaching Partnership with Jess Lipman

Monthly LIVE Group Workshop with Jess Lipman

Value: $1000

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Custom Mindfulness Practice

Value: $297

Based on your specific goals, challenges and desires for habit + behavior shifting, I’ll provide you with a custom mindfulness blueprint to help you gain accelerated momentum and results.

I’ll advise the exact mindfulness strategies across formal practices as well as daily life practices, as well as the key factors to support you in building a consistent, robust, deep practice.

Support In-Between Sessions

Value: $500

Life happens in-between sessions (and when life happens, these are great, potent moments to apply mindfulness techniques so that we can gain faster relief while building our skills of concentration, clarity and equanimity)! That’s why I love to offer in-between session support to you!

Are you feeling triggered at work? Maybe you’re going through a break up, and need to talk in the moments right before, or right after.

You will receive personal email and text support from me, as needed. This support will be provided within standard business hours of 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday – Friday PST.

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Supplemental Resources

Value: $500

I’ll share with you distilled highlights, strategies, frameworks, and next steps after each 1:1 session. Not only that, but I’ll also share a digital library of guided meditations, mindfulness talks and worksheets with you, so that you can listen and learn - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. You’ll receive access to the private online course member’s area where you can access all of these resources with ease. AND, you will have access to the private Mindful Nest Community space, where you can connect with like-minded movers and shakers who are committed to a path of transformation. Elevate together.

Private Coaching Partnership
with Jess Lipman

  • Four 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions per month as part of a multi-month engagement

  • BONUS #1: Session Recordings: Listen anytime, anywhere!

  • BONUS #2: Access to THE HOMECOMING: An 8 Week Mindfulness Jumpstart Online Training (which includes video lesson, guided meditation, downloadable resources and action plan to help you build a robust, consistent and science-inspired mindfulness meditation practice.

  • BONUS #3: Supplemental Resources (Post-session notes, guided meditations, mindfulness talks, worksheets, frameworks, and more!)

  • BONUS #4: Custom Mindfulness Practice

  • BONUS #5: Support In-Between Sessions

  • BONUS #6: Access to The Mindful Nest Private Community

To be considered for this coaching package and to learn more about pricing and logistics, please schedule a complimentary discovery call with Jess Lipman.
Serious inquiries only.